Tiny Treasures 1

No Grit, No Pearl

In a time where things are feeling a bit weird and gritty I’ve been unable to steam ahead with my making as per normal. My concentration has been a bit haywire and I suppose because the future is a bit of a large flaming question mark creating stock or looking towards future orders seems a little futile or incomprehensible at this point.

So instead of barreling on with my usual stock creation I’ve been tinkering away with some one-off pearl pieces, slowly. While my new Tidal Range is still relatively ‘one-off’ as the pearl combinations always change, these bubs will be new shapes, never to be duplicated because of the nuances of pearls. Inspired by natural environments from little indentations on shells, crawling plants that make their way through brick and cement to little seed pod patterns.

Stay tuned and watch my instagram page;)